Sunnyside Village Cohousing

Homes for Sale in Marysville

Sunnyside Village Cohousing has homes for sale in Marysville. Sunnyside Village has sold 28 of the homes planned for this owner-developed community. When completed, the 5-acre village will include 32 privately owned detached 2- and 3-bedroom cottages. Additional community features will include a shared multiuse common house, community workshop, greenhouse, organic garden, orchard, walking paths, and protected woodland. The homes will be Built Green Four Star Certified for sustainability and quality construction. Built Green is the green home certification program of the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. The common house will be solar powered, and six electric charging stations will be located near easily accessible parking areas. Sunnyside Village is an intentional cohousing community with a strong focus on working together, environmental sustainability, and healthy living.

Marysville is located within the Puget Sound Metropolitan Urban Areas of Everett, Seattle, and Tacoma. Sunnyside Village is in a rural residential area within the City of Marysville (population 70,000), is near the city of Everett (population 110,000), and within commuting distance to Seattle (population 737,000).

The City of Everett, 15 minutes away, offers a thriving arts, sports, and maritime community. City venues and activities include:

The City of Lake Stevens, 12 minutes away, provides access to the lake for swimming in the summer and boating or kayaking all year. Many amazing parks are open to the public at Lundeen Park, North Cove Park, Frontier Heights Park, Cavalero Hill Skate Park, and the Centennial Trail.

The City of Snohomish, 17 minutes away, has an adorable main street of antique shops, boutiques, bakeries, and restaurants.

As a cohousing community, Sunnyside Village has a strong focus on working together, environmental sustainability, and healthy living. If you are interested in exploring cohousing and the community, and would like more information on the homes for sale in Marysville, please contact us.

The Community Site Plan - 5 Homes Remain Available