Sunnyside Village Cohousing

How to Join

Step 1

Attend A Thursday Introductory meeting

Step 2

Attend ‘everybody’ meetings as an Observer, and Social meetings as a participant

Step 3

Become an Explorer and get to know us

Step 4

Become a Member and reserve your home!

How to Join the Community and the
Steps Needed To Reserve a New Home

Get To Know Us

  • Explore our website to find out more about our vision and values, our members, and the community design.
  • Attend an Introductory meeting on Zoom any Thursday, 5:30-6:30 Pacific time. (The Zoom link is located at the bottom of this page.)
  • Attend events to get to know us, such as our on-line Happy Hour and schedule a site tour to see the property and talk with some of our members. 
  • To become an Explorer, a household pays a $100 fee (non-refundable). Explorers have the ability to attend and participate in meetings and discussions, but not vote. If you wish to continue, then we request that you become a Member. 

Explore Your Financial Ability To Purchase A New Home

  • Sunnyside Village is working with GESA Credit Union. If you plan to finance your purchase, please contact the leader of the Marketing Circle for additional information.
  • Determine how much your current home might be worth by contacting a realtor (Zillow gives a rough estimate). Consider your assets and how you will pay for a new home.

Become a Member

  • Tell a member of the Marketing Circle that your household wishes to become a Member.
  • You will be assigned a buddy who will help acquaint you and your household with our cohousing community and our governance structure – Sociocracy. When you are ready, your household will be presented for a membership vote.
  • A big part of living in cohousing is participating in the work (and play) of the community. Decide which circles (work teams) you want to participate in and jump in! Like most things in life, you’ll get out of it what you put into it.

The Steps in Financing Your New Home

Explorers who wish to become members and purchase a cottage:

    • Pay a $500 non-refundable membership fee.
    • Within 45 days of becoming a member make a $50,000 deposit to Sunnyside. This will be credited as down payment towards your purchase.
    • If planning to finance, the member will need to have pre-approval from GESA Credit Union.
    • Once these three criteria are met, the member may select their cottage and will then sign a Purchase-Sale Agreement.

We are striving to keep costs as low as possible while building a community with a low carbon footprint and environmentally friendly design. If you change your mind and wish to withdraw, after the last home is sold and the project has been completed and if there are funds available, you are eligible to obtain repayment of the funds you have deposited. We want to be clear that this is a risky investment with no guarantees. We are doing everything we can at each stage to reduce risk and ensure that each of us receives full value for our investments. Remember that we are in this together as “owner/developers.” If you choose to withdraw, you are not obligated to continue investing in the project.

Sunnyside Village Cohousing - How to Join
Sunnyside Village Cohousing - How To Join
Sunnyside Village Cohousing - Photo of Norm, one of our members.
Sunnyside Village Cohousing - How To Join
Welcome to Sunnyside Village Cohousing!

Find out what cohousing and Sunnyside Village is all about,
attend our informational Zoom meeting this

Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time.


Or join us any any Thursday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Pacific Time

Before attending any in-person events, please see our COVID-19 vaccination policy